Each quarter, Local Partners in Romania
receive a bulletin updating them of others work in the network.
Below is some positive feedback we’d like to share with you!

Va multumesc si va felicit pentru
Buletinul pe care l-ati realizat in aceasta toamna! Sunt articole
si informatii foarte utile tuturor celor implicati in Terapia prin
Muzica si celor care doresc sa se implice de acum inainte. Sunteti
extraordinari! Inca o data, FELICITARI!

Congratulations and thank you for the Bulletin you produced this autumn! It contained very useful information and articles for everyone involved in music as therapy and for anyone who will be involved in the future. Again, congratulations!

Teodora Popescu,
Local Partner since 2003 (Centrul de Educatie Inclusiva Nr.1,