Our InteractiveMusic-Making students – all early years practitioners in South East
London – are coming to the end of their training with us. We have
seen them deliver fabulous sessions to small groups of young
children and i was great to hear their enthusiastic feedback at our
final seminar last week:

The dialogue I’ve had with a little boy in my group
who is selective mute, on the drum has been completely
mind-blowing. After his first sessions his key worker said to me
‘He’s so much more confident.’

One of the children who found it almost impossible to
regulate himself initially was able to attend, turn take and
reference the needs of another child during the last session.
Another was clingy and tearful initially entering nursery – she is
now empowered.

[The training was]…a great experience with encouraging
and inspiring tutors.

Find out more at www.interactivemusicmaking.org