Developing our online training tool to help care givers of people living with dementia is a painstaking, detailed process. Having carefully mapped out the concepts we believe will help people include music into the care they provide, we have been guided by local colleagues and friends to create locally meaningful ways to bring these to lives. Music Therapist Nina Cherla has created illustrations, interactive exercises and other creative tools to bring these together within an engaging course and to translate, record and edit it all together in three language. It’s slow and detailed work! The above photo is of Nina and Alexia in one of their weekly meetings, reviewing Nina’s recent audio editing work – but we are hoping to finally be ready to pilot the course, in India, after Diwali subject to securing the final funding we need to do so.

Currently our Charity ambassador Stuart Riley is offering up to £3,000 in match funding for our Music in Dementia online training tool in India. That means for every £1 someone else donates in support of this project, Stuart will donate £1 too, potentially raising us up to £6,000 if enough people get behind his efforts. If you want to get involved, you can donate now before it is the end of August!
