Music therapist Clare Reynolds shares her experiences as our Introductory Training Field Project reaches week number six:

It’s week 6 already, I can’t believe it!! It’s been difficult managing to see everybody each week so although this should have been the last week of training, Music as Therapy International have kindly allowed me an extra week to try and catch up with those staff I haven’t managed to see.

Today saw 3 staff members taking over sessions. Mandy and Donna completely and Rossalin partially. I was so pleased and impressed with all that I saw with all the trainees showing sensitivity and thoughtfulness to everyone they worked with. It is no easy task to take over a music session and be watched by the music therapist!!!

It has taken me over 20 years to build up a big bag of tools that I can draw on at anytime when something planned might not be working, and I was impressed with how many tools the staff already had in their ‘bags’ as they tried different things to draw out interaction or create connections. Next week is our last training session – looking forward to it!!

In memory of Betty, Invernevis House resident and a great lover of music.