Over the course of our students’ Practical Assignments, 48 children have directly benefitted from music sessions across 9 Early Years settings, potentially enabling 648 children to access Interactive Music-Making in future.

At their recent Presentation Day, each student gave a 15 minute presentation summarising their Practical Assignments – designing and delivering a series of Interactive Music-Making (IMM) sessions for children in their own settings.

It was great to see our students presenting confidently on their practice and demonstrating how they had each made the Interactive Music-Making training their own, tailoring their music sessions to meet the needs and the evolving aims of the young children in their care, whilst never losing sight of the theoretical basis which underpins their approach. We were really pleased that a number of our students’ colleagues and managers, as well as representatives from our Associate organisations, were able to attend the afternoon to hear the rich variety of our students’ experiences and to join us in celebrating their achievements.

We heard examples of how many of the participating children, at first unsure, developed in confidence as the weeks progressed and were soon eagerly awaiting their IMM sessions each week. For some children, their music sessions allowed them the chance to take the lead in choosing activities, instruments, or the way they felt comfortable to participate. For others, exploring non-verbal communication through a range of instruments enabled less vocal group members to express themselves in new ways. And for many group participants, new-found friendships and confidence have extended beyond their music session and into their daily nursery life.

IMM is such a valuable intervention – feedback from my group showed it was having a positive impact on children with so many needs, skills, and transfers to life outside the sessions.”

Interactive Music-Making student

Many of our students commented that completing the IMM training has enriched their early years practice:

[IMM has helped me] to build my confidence, to know my children and to see them differently.

Interactive Music-Making student

“[The IMM course] has given me more confidence and reassurance that I’m doing a good job.

Interactive Music-Making student

The students’ presentations will be moderated alongside the Practice Portfolios they have compiled to document their work. Final marks will be awarded in July, when this cohort will join our growing network of Interactive Music-Making graduates. Through our Motivation Programme, they will have access to regular CPD events, opportunities, and support for their ongoing music practice.

A big thank you to Pound Park Children’s Centre for hosting us this year!