Since our last COVID-19 statement on 1st May, we have been working with our international partners to adjust our activities in response to the pandemic, alongside guidance from local and national authorities and the FCO.

We have all experienced lockdowns, school and care setting closures, social distancing, restrictions on international travel and heightened concerns for the vulnerable children and adults with whom we work. But each of the nine countries in which we work has been affected differently by the crisis and their national or local responses vary. So we have worked hard to listen to our partners’ changing needs and to tailor our support accordingly. Read more here in our blog here or go straight to our updated COVID-19 Activities Statement.

We will continue to monitor national guidance from the British government and our UK partners, and international guidance from the Foreign and Commonwealth office and our Local Partners worldwide.

Unless significant changes are required earlier, this statement will next be updated on 1st October 2020.