(Soma iyi nkuru muri Kinyarwanda.)

Over the last few years, our Rwandan Partners (Audace Musoni, Fidele Nshimiye and Alphonsine Musabyemariya) have really been expanding their music practice beyond their own music sessions as they have shared their music skills with 59 care practitioners and started their own association called Youth Led Musical Therapy (YLMT). You can learn more about our Rwandan Partners’ music initiatives and our collective achievements in our ePoster for this year’s World Congress of Music Therapy.

Our International Programme Coordinator, Makeda Mitchell, and Advisory Panel member, Dr Caroline Anderson, will be travelling to Rwanda at the end of September. This is in response to our Partners asking for support with observing their own music sessions, equipping them with additional training for them as Trainers, visiting some of their past training participants and providing strategic advice and guidance in relation to their new association.

You will soon hear from Caroline and Makeda about their time in Rwanda. But now, you can listen to what inspires Caroline and Makeda about the difference music can make to caring for people:

Inspired to start using music at your centre in Rwanda?

Take a look at our Rwandan Partners’ leaflet (in Kinyarwanda or English) providing more information about their music training and their contact details. Reach out to Audace, Fidele and Alphonsine to see how they can maybe help you start using music and introduce music sessions to your centre in Rwanda.