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Our Advisory Panel members, Erin and Alastair, will be delivering a two week Follow-up Visit in Addis Ababa.

Last year, our Music Therapists, Emma Britton and Erin Williams-Jones, delivered a four week project in Addis Ababa for four different care settings: Gefersa Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre; Fikir – Ethiopia National Association on Intellectual Disability; Hospice Ethiopia and Lebeza Psychiatry Clinic. Together Emma and Erin were able to train 26 caregivers and boost participating staff’s confidence to lead their own music sessions.

This month Erin will be joined by Music Therapist and longstanding Advisory Panel Member, Alastair Robertson, to head back to all four care settings who have invited them to see the ways they have been using music and look to the future together. Erin and Alastair will celebrate their successes and be available to provide any further guidance and support our Local Partners think will help them keep using music in their care.

Keep an eye out for updates on how they get on. For now, Erin and Alastair share with us below what inspires them about the difference music can make to care:

What inspires me about the difference music can make to care is how it can act as language between people, no matter what their ability. I am honoured to have worked through music with people with a learning disability. I’ve been able to witness clients express deep emotions to family members and other professionals through sound. Music can offer a place for these emotions to be shared in way which is accessible to a wide range of people, helping those with a learning disability to connect with others, express opinions, thoughts and feelings.

Erin Williams-Jones

If you are in Ethiopia and interested to use music in the care you provide or if you are already using music in your work with people in vulnerable situations, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch and email Kiran, our Team Assistant, at kiransangha@musicastherapy.org.