This Wednesday music therapist and Advisory Panel member Clare Reynolds delivered a final session and certificate ceremony for our newest Partners at Caol School, in Fort William. We used a seventh ‘cushion week’ for this project to have a final chat with the Caol team about activities and to hand out certificates, giving us time to fully celebrate their achievements. We’ll be back in a couple of months for a Follow-up Visit, but for now here is Clare’s final blog, looking back at what has been achieved:

Week Seven! Well, today was my final day at Caol School, and it was a day of celebration. Last week four of our trainees successfully completed their 6-week training, all delivering not just successful sessions but excellent sessions. I was very impressed. All that was left for today was to see one more of the staff members work with an individual pupil, and then I could have the lovely task of handing over certificates of completion to five of the fully trained staff, and two supporting role certificates.

Some musical play with the Nursery Group

I have found this project a real pleasure to lead and want to thank Sharon MacDonald, Head Teacher of Caol, for her support and commitment to the project. Despite all the daily challenges that schools face, particularly with Covid -19, Sharon and the team of staff who have taken on the training have thrown energy, enthusiasm and dedication at it. This has allowed it to run smoothly and effectively. I also want to thank everyone sincerely for welcoming me into the school. I would like to thank the supporting staff too who have enabled staff to be released from their classes for the project, and also huge thanks to Music as Therapy International for all their support.

Banging the drum in Group Two!

Finally, I just want to say Huge Congratulations to Claire, Coney, Maureen, Nicki and Catherine for completing the training and to Beccy and Lucy for their supporting roles. I look forward to a Follow-up visit in a few months and hope that Beccy and Lucy will be able to complete their training then. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing all about the music making going on at Caol school. Well done everyone!

Missed Clare’s last blog? Find it here!