(Citiți această postare în română.)

It’s a new year but similar to 2022, we are again offering all our existing Partners in Romania a few opportunities to strengthen their music practices. Below are the details of the available opportunities, most of which are the same as what was offered last year (and at the end of the page there is a form to tell us what support you are interested in):

Musical Instruments Fund: As we had a three of our Romanian Partners applying for this opportunity in 2022 (Maria, Mariana and Zsuzsi), we decided to continue offering our Partners the chance to replace broken instruments or add to their collection of musical instruments they already have. (Applying to this fund is simple; and we also have a catalogue of what musical instruments are potentially available).  

Supervision:  We already had a Romanian Partner this year ask for supervision on their music practice, so we are also extending this opportunity to all other music practitioners in Romania. There is the option to access online supervision from a music therapist through Music as Therapy International or supervision from Monika Manases in Romania through Association Sound Art E-Motion, or through Asociația Română de Muzicoterapie.

Connecting with others using music: The chance to meet and share experiences with other people using music can be an invaluable opportunity, especially if our Partners do not have many other people around them also using music. We are not the only organisation encouraging people in Romania to share their experiences with music. There is Association Sound Art E-Motion ran by Monika Manases, who have been doing this for many years, and more recently we got to know more about the work of Angelica Postu at Asociația Română de Muzicoterapie.

Promotion Fund: We first offered this initiative (which is also known as our International PR Fund) last year, and we still know how promoting a music programme can be very important for our Partners. We also created a Promotion Fund leaflet in Romanian, detailing ideas and approaches to support Partners’ efforts in promoting their work with music.

Tell us your story: We love hearing about our Partners’ journey and experiences with using music or about someone in their music sessions. Stories is a great way for the practitioner to reflect on their own music practices and inspire others to use music.  There are two ways to tell us a story: either as written, or by verbally telling a team member. Additionally, depending on our Partner’s story and their wishes, their story could also feature in the Stories section on our website.

New resources: We already have some resources in Romanian, but there is the opportunity to tell us if there is a new resource on a specific area or client group that should also be created.

Other support from us: We remain available to support our Romanian Partners in other ways than what is already on offer. We would just need to know in detail what help is wanted, why and who will benefit.

We hope to hear from our Romanian Partners about the above opportunities and throughout the year, we will be sharing updates about any support we provide our Partners.

Let us know if you are interested in an opportunity

If you are one of our existing Romanian Partners and would like your music programme to benefit from any of the above opportunities, please tell us more below.