Read this post in Romanian.

Mariana shares below how she intends to use her instruments and the benefits it will bring to the children in her care:


I work as a special needs teacher in a special needs school in Romania and our clients are autistic children, mostly non-verbal.

The opportunity to receive new musical instruments was great as sound is a universal language and it is much easier to communicate with our children in this way.

We also work with children with behavioral disorders, and using the percussion instruments reduces tension and aggression.

At this moment I use music therapy with 12 children from two year groups, year 1 and year 4 – I work with these children in the specific and compensatory therapy room.

In the future, we intend to set up a special space for music therapy that all our primary school children will have access to. The school is under renovation and we want to create such a special space, taking into account the very good results achieved in the language development of students with special educational requirements.

I am attaching some pictures as I have already started working with the students.

Thank you for this opportunity on behalf of the children and myself.

With special consideration,
Mariana Dioșteanu

Apply to our Musical Instrument Fund:

Are you currently carrying out music sessions in Romania and would like a new set of musical instruments? Maybe your current instruments are worn out and broken, or maybe you just don’t have enough musical instruments?

Our Musical Instrument Fund provides care practitioners with the opportunity to replace broken instruments or improve on the resources they already have. For more information and to apply to the Fund, click here.