The World Congress of Music Therapy is taking place in Vancouver, Canada this week and our 4 interactive e-Posters are ready to inspire the global music therapy profession and beyond.

We will share more information about each poster over the course of the week and hope you will share this across your networks to help us champion the fantastic work with music being done by care practitioners worldwide.

To start of the week, our focus is on sharing the sustainable impact of our work in Romania, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Georgia, Rwanda, India, Ethiopia and Myanmar in our e-Poster “Reflecting on the Achievements and Practice of Current Global Music Therapy Pioneers

You can access and share the e-Poster by following the link below or scanning the QR code in the miniposter image. And when you do visit our posters, please use the feedback sections to tell us you visited and what you think!

Reflecting on the Achievements and Practice of Current Global Music Therapy Pioneers